繁华犹如云朵内心的纯粹才是背后的永恒归所 ...... concise ● luxuriouscomfortable ● elegance家,风格万千一定藏着某种热爱!在家中,我们可以以更轻松的方式迎接生活中的惊喜。极简无需跋山涉水,而是实现令人参与共创的过程。Home, style myriad hides some kind of love certainly!At home, we can welcome life's surprises in a more relaxed way. Minimalism does not require trekking, but enables people to participate in the process of creating. 玄关 | PORCH
玄关是家的缩影,你如何对待玄关,就等于如何看待“回家”这件事。 原木色有着治愈人心的能力,再加上一点优雅的灰度,我们希望屋主经过玄关,卸下精神盔甲的时候,目之所及皆是简洁整齐的空间氛围,不为悦人,只为悦己。 Porch is the epitome of the home, how do you treat porch, be equal to how to look at "come home" this thing. Original wood color is having the ability that cures people's heart, add a bit elegant gray scale, we hope house advocate passes porch, when dismount spirit armor, place of the eye reachs all is concise and orderly dimensional atmosphere, not for yue person, only yue oneself. 客厅 | LIVING ROOM
从门厅步入,客厅茶室一体的空间,显现自由流动的开放格局。超大的储物+入户空间,半纯粹的空间留白就像是家的一种召唤,别一个人在车里待着啦,你要的宁静舒缓、无拘无束,家里都有。 From the entrance hall, the living room and tea room integrated space, showing the free flow of open pattern. Oversized storage + indoor space, semi-pure space blank is like a call of the home, do not stay in the car a person, you want quiet and slow, unrestrained, there are at home.
利用不同材质的墙饰面,以及天花层顶的起伏过渡,牵引动线韵律,大片留白的语境下,仍有秩序的节奏感。 The use of wall finishes of different materials, as well as the fluctuation and transition of the ceiling, traction line rhythm, large blank context, still have a sense of rhythm. 会客厅 | RECEPTION ROOM 极简风的地下室会客厅,沙发温馨的棉麻材质,带来岁月静好的温情体验,给人一种简单通透的舒适感。楼梯结构以雅白石材为主,加入暗藏灯带的设计,去掉扶手设计,带来的是一个明亮时尚的高级楼梯间氛围。 The minimalist entrance hall and the warm cotton and linen material of the sofa bring the warm experience of quiet years and give people a simple and transparent comfort. The staircase structure is mainly composed of elegant white stone, with the design of hidden light belt and the removal of handrail, bringing a bright and fashionable atmosphere of senior stairwell. 家庭厅 | FAMILY ROOM
开阔的空间是生活的写照,黑与白,白与原木色,光与影,这些元素,折射在生活的每个角落;日子的光景是流年的故事,生活的艺术是朴素时光里的缝隙。 当家中有客到访时,你在楼下客厅会客聊天,也不妨碍其他家庭成员在三楼的家庭厅中休闲和放松。如此,在满足主人社交需求的同时,也保障了其它家庭成员生活空间的私密性。 Open space is the portrayal of life, black and white, white and wood color, light and shadow, these elements, refracted in every corner of life; Time is the story of fleeting time. The art of living is the crevices of simple time.
中国人的茶室,不仅限于品茶,更是一个静心,放松的空间,这里既可以承担社交的功能,又可以一人独处,修养身心。忙碌中因为有了茶室的存在,生活的脚步也会随之放缓,获得片刻的沉思与宁静。 Chinese teahouses are not only limited to tea tasting, but also a space for meditation and relaxation. They can not only undertake the function of social interaction, but also can be alone for physical and mental cultivation. Busy because of the existence of the teahouse, the pace of life will be slowed down, get a moment of meditation and tranquility. 茶室与客厅通联,淡雅的色彩,简洁利落的线条,带有现代感的纹理营造出茶室氛围。再加一方清新雅致的茶席,人们便能在茶香袅袅的不断升腾中,得到一种味觉之外的欢愉和满足。 The teahouse and the living room are connected. The elegant colors, concise lines and modern textures create a teahouse atmosphere. Add the tea mat of one party pure and fresh and refined again, people can be in tea fragrance curl up ceaselessly in rising, get the joy beyond a kind of guttage and satisfaction.
餐厅 | Restaurant
中西厨作为生活的核心部分,在审美性、功能性以及融入室内装饰的选材方面都做出了细致的考量,使功能和空间相互作用,提高空间利用率。 Hutch of Chinese and western regards life as the core part, in aesthetic sex, functional sex and the selection material respect that blends in interior decoration made meticulous consideration, make function and dimensional interaction, raise dimensional utilization rate.
衣帽间 | Cloakroom 整体户型结构允许的情况下单独将一个空间设计为衣帽间,是最舒适整洁的方式。 衣帽间系统以木饰面为动线分割,多模块的立面呈现,让空间保持着连贯统一的秩序感,通顶的玻璃衣柜,一气呵成,拉伸了空间的纵深感,也让狭长的空间布局保持着自由的流动感,在线性灯光的加持下,摩登质感悄然迸发。 Integral door structure allows the case to design a space alone for cloakroom, it is the most comfortable and neat way. The cloakroom system is divided by wood veneer as moving line, and the multi-module facade presents, so that the space maintains a coherent and unified sense of order. The glass wardrobe through the top, in one go, stretches the depth of the space, but also makes the long and narrow space layout maintain a sense of free flow. Under the support of linear lighting, the modern texture quietly breaks out.
主人房| MASTERBED ROOM 生活的艺术感是每日的一期一会,早起的咖啡,睡前的牛奶,这是物质也是精神;这是生活也是浪漫,简单却也心安。 主卧整体色调以白色与浅色系为主,让空间感觉更为放大,在家具选择上以灰、棕等色为主,平衡了空间的感觉。原木色地板自带木质纹理,质感天然,给人以自然、柔和的感受,显示着主人对高品质生活的向往与追求。 The sense of art of life is a daily session, coffee early in the morning, milk before bed, this is both material and spirit; This is life and romance, simple yet reassuring. Advocate lie integral tonal with white and light color department is given priority to, let dimensional feeling more magnification, the color such as ash, brown is given priority to on furniture choice, balanced dimensional feeling. Wood color floor has its own wood texture, natural texture, giving people a natural, soft feeling. Wave window design is concise and easy, showing host to high quality life yearning and pursuit.
女儿房 | DAUGHTER ROOM 孩子是一个家庭的重心,儿童房的设计从来都是父母的心头大事。为宝贝营造一间完美的儿童房是所有爸妈的愿望。让孩子在这个空间中快乐的生活学习,儿童房从另一种意义上来说也是孩子独立的乐园。 儿童房是孩子的卧室、起居室和游戏空间,在他们成长的时间里,这里是他们的城堡,是他们无忧无虑玩耍的象牙塔。科学合理地设计,对于孩子的健康成长,培养儿童的独立生活能力,启迪他们的智慧具有非常重要的意义。 此案女孩房色彩素雅宁静,尽可能舒缓眼睛。房间向阳,采光好,面积大,光线柔和、均匀,让孩子更有安全感。柔软的床品、地毯能够很好的保护孩子。飘窗设计简洁大方,是很好的阅读区。 The children's room is the children's bedroom, living room and play space, in their growing time, here is their castle, is their carefree play ivory tower. Scientific and reasonable design is of great significance to the healthy growth of children, the cultivation of their independent living ability and the enlightenment of their wisdom. This case girl room colour simple but elegant is halcyon, slow eye as far as possible. The room is sunny, good lighting, large area, soft and even light, so that children have a sense of security. Soft bedding and carpets can protect children well. Bay window design is concise and easy, it is very good reading area.
成长区 | Growth Area 孩子的成长只有一次,需要我们悉心呵护,为孩子认真打造属于TA的成长小天地,陪伴他们一起快乐长大。 The growth of children only once, we need to take care of, for the children to seriously create a small world belonging to TA, accompany them to grow up together.
设计的言语,倾泻在空间的尘埃中; 用对话的敞开空间,诉说诗意的生活哲理; 一日三餐,三餐四季, 是自然的对话,也是情感的诉说。 ——— 项目信息 ———·岁月绵长 项目地点:福建·莆田 项目面积:360㎡+ 项目性质:别墅豪宅 作品风格:现代简约 完成时间:2022年5月 设计公司:东悦设计 施工单位:悦筑工程 联系方式:15060393688(微信同号) |